Investing in the future of innovation
Volcani International Partnerships is committed to ensuring the highest quality education for our future generations of scientists in the field of agricultural research, development and innovation.
Every year, approximately 450 students join leading teams of scientists at the Volcani Center to pursue research for their undergraduate, graduate or post-doctorate degrees.
Students of life sciences from every university and college in Israel are mentored at Volcani, studying the extensive range of fields offered by its institutes.

Shulamit and Lieutenant General Haim Laskov Z”L Scholarship Fund
The fund was established in 2018 in memory of Shulamit Laskov and Lieutenant General Haim Laskov Z”L. It aims to assist researchers and students of agricultural research, while ensuring diversity in the field and supporting minority groups. Scholarships are available to students who are Ethiopian, Arab or new immigrants that are studying for their master’s degree or doctorates.
Annual Scholarship Award : 25,000 - 35,000 NIS

Naomi and Yehoram Gorodisky Z”L Scholarship Fund
The fund was established in 2016 in the late memory of Naomi and Yehoram Gorodisky Z”L. Yehoram was a member of one of the founding families of Rechovot. The fund was created to commemorate the couple’s memory and to memorialize Naomi’s vast contribution to the Institute of Postharvest and Food Sciences. She was also given the nickname “Queen of Vegetable Storage” and was known to have a broad knowledge of creating the infrastructure for storing almost all vegetable crops in Israel. Each year it is awarded to graduate, doctoral, and postdoctoral research students at the Agricultural Research Organization in the field of storage of agricultural produce after harvesting.
Annual Scholarship Award : 30,000 NIS Personal Grant & 20,000 NIS to Research Budget

Professor Gad Loebenstein Z”L Scholarship Fund
The fund was established in 2010 by the late Professor Gad Loebenstein, who established the Department of Virology in the Institute of Plant Protection at the Agricultural Research Organization. Among other things, he was a professor of microbiology at the Faculty of Agriculture of Hebrew University and Tel Aviv University, director of the Institute of Plant Protection at the Agricultural Research Organization, head of the Agricultural Research Organization, and the chief scientist of the Ministry of Agriculture. The scholarship is awarded to doctoral students or postdoctoral interns performing research work at the Agricultural Research Organization in virology and/or plant molecular biology.
Annual Scholarship Award : 20,000 NIS

Professor Gerald Stanhill Z”L Scholarship Fund
The fund was established in 2023 by the family of the late Professor Gerald Stanhill to commemorate his research in the field of agricultural meteorology. He joined the Agricultural Research Organization in 1959, directed the Department of Agricultural Meteorology between 1963-1978, and directed the Institute for Soil, Water, and Environmental Sciences between 1978-1980. Throughout his research career, he published more than 170 research articles between 1955-2019 in the fields of evaporation, solar radiation, and their impact on agriculture, climate change, and radiation changes.
Annual Scholarship Award : 9,000 NIS

KANAT – The Insurance Fund for Natural Risks in Agriculture Scholarship
KANAT – The Insurance Fund for Natural Risks in Agriculture has been operating since 1967, originally as part of the Israeli government and then as a private entity. KANAT is dedicated to the agricultural community and holds the promotion of Israeli agriculture as one of the core pillars of its vision. KANAT is committed to providing farmers with up-to-date tools in order to allow them to keep Israeli agriculture at the forefront of technological innovation. The purpose of the fund is to encourage research in Israel in the fields related to natural damage in agriculture and the economic value of agriculture, therefore fostering the professional affinity between KANAT and the recipients of the scholarship, which KANAT regards as a professional reserve.
Annual Scholarship Award : Up to 20,000 NIS

Emmanuel Shemin Z”L Scholarship Fund
The fund was established by Emmanuel Shemin Z”L, who worked in Israel in the field of agriculture for 33 years. Shemin understood the potential in organic crops established Genesis Seeds LTD, which supplies the international seed industry with excellent quality organic seeds, with Dr. Isaac Nir in 1993. Shemin believed that Israel would be a global hub for organic seed exports in the future. The scholarship will be awarded to farmers, agricultural training personnel, and research students in the fields of ornamental plants, gardening, organic agriculture, and other issues related to production, with an emphasis on scientific innovation.
Annual Scholarship Award : 2,000 - 8,000 NIS

Prof. Gershon and Eugenia Mintz Z”L Scholarship Fund
Professor Gershon Mintz started the nematology lab at the Agricultural Research Organization, originally in the Department of Phytopathology and later on in the independent Department of Nematology under the Institute of Plant Protection. He established this fund through a legacy gift in order to encourage the continued work of graduate/postgraduate students or young researchers engaged in with agricultural research in the field of nematology at the Agricultural Research Organization.
Annual Scholarship Award : 20,000 NIS

Doctor Hannah Koyumdjisky Z”L Scholarship Fund
The Fund was established in 2020 by Dr. Hannah Koyumdjisky Z”L. Dr. Koyumdjisky, served for many years as a leading researcher in the Pedology Department of the Soil and Water Sciences Institute at the Agricultural Research Organization. She contributed to groundbreaking research on the formation and distribution of soils in Israel. The purpose of the Fund is to support students conducting research in soil, water, and environmental sciences at the Agricultural Research Organization.
Annual Scholarship Award : 5,000 NIS

Haim Gvati Z”L Scholarship Fund
The fund was created in memory of Haim Gvati, who was the chairman of the Board of Directors of the organization for many years. The fund is awarded annually to graduate/postgraduate students or young researchers at the Agricultural Research Organization focusing on the development of new/improved fruit & vegetable varieties or the extension of produce shelf life.
Annual Scholarship Award : 10,000 NIS

Professor Eliyahu Swirski Z”L and Rahel Scholarship Fund
The fund was established in 1986 by the late Professor Eliyahu Svirsky and his wife, Rachel. In 1994, he won the Israel Prize for Agricultural Research “for his contributions to the entomological research in Israel and the world and to the protection of plants and the environment." Together with his colleagues, his work brought natural enemies of agricultural pests to Israel, reducing the use of toxic pesticides. This scholarship is awarded annually to graduate/postgraduate research students in the Department of Entomology at the Agricultural Research Organization.
Annual Scholarship Award : 4,000 NIS