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Partner Spotlight - LivinGreen

‘Hydroponics is the agriculture of the future!’

LivinGreen don't beat around the bush: they believe in hydroponics and will gladly make their case. After all, it is a convincing one. As the world faces several simultaneous and compounding challenges - including climate change, water scarcity, environmental decline and population growth - who wouldn’t be drawn to an agricultural method that saves space, reduces water use by up to 80%, reduces fertiliser use, shortens growing times and increases yields all the while safeguarding the quality and nutritional value of crops.

LivinGreen is an Israeli company that was established in 2009 to promote the fields of Hydroponics and Aquaponics in Israel and around the world. They boast patented Israeli technology and have delivered countless hydroponic projects in commercial, educational and agro-tourism settings across Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Most recently, LivinGreen commercialised a product line for households.

In February 2022, we were lucky enough to witness LivinGreen’s work first hand.

Working on Growing Peace Inc.'s hydroponic initiative alongside ourselves, LivinGreen installed an extensive hydroponic system in the food pantry run collaboratively by The Tel Aviv Foundation, Mesila, Lesova and the Tel Aviv Yafo Municipality. The aim: to bolster nutrition security among asylum seekers and other undocumented people by enabling the food pantry to independently and sustainably grow nutritionally rich superfoods such as herbs and leafy greens. In doing so, the program also offers valuable educational opportunities, including in nutrition.

LivinGreen share our belief that agriculture can be a powerful engine for good. Nutrition aside, they consistently emphasise environmental preservation and have also worked in several schools, using hydroponic systems to support curricula, improve student wellbeing, secure environmental benefits and as a hands-on opportunity for young people to explore agriculture as a vocation.

Visit their website to find out more.


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