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Connecting with Inspiring Jewish Women: Speaking at Momentum Events in July 2022

Volcani International Partnerships (VIP) is an organisation led by two women who, driven by their Jewish values, seek to change the world for the better. Danielle - our Executive Director - left a career in the British civil service to help grow Israel’s international development efforts while Tali - our Chief Operations Officer - made Aliyah from New York with the goal of strengthening Israel by increasing the impact and reach of Israeli non-profits.

Needless to say, it's always a particular pleasure to work with Momentum (formerly JWRP): an inspiring organisation that empowers women to change the world through Jewish values. To say that their work hits close to home would be an understatement.

In July 2022, we were delighted to speak during two Momentum events held at the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. Speaking to hundreds of inspiring Jewish women, we highlighted the role of courage in Israel’s agricultural transformation.

As ever when speaking at Momentum events, we left the stage feeling more energized and inspired than when we’d walked on! Thank you to all the organisers and the fantastic participants.


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68 HaMacabim Road

P.O. Box 15159

Rishon LeZion 

7505101 Israel

Copyright 2020 | Trustees & Friends of Agricultural Research at the Volcani Center | Registered Not-For-Profit Organization in Israel: 580035699

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